Sunday, July 17, 2011

Still keeping cool

Mum took me back to the beach almost every day for two weeks! I almost got, melted.

I love the water though! I have collected so many neat shells. I'll take them home and use one of my marine books to figure out what sort of creatures used to live inside! Here's a photo mom took to make a Wish You Were Here! postcard.

The outdoor shower of the beach house is another great way to stay cool! 

I hope everyone's summer is being as good to them as mine! It's been so nice hearing from all of my friends here on blogspot!

Love, Winnie


  1. Hey Winnie!

    Looks like you're having a fun-filled summer blast! I only wish that my summers were that fun. I'm stuck at home in our living room drinking ice tea.
    The beach looks fantastic! It's my favorite place to be. Have extra fun for me!

    ~Sunshiny Ivy

  2. Hi Winnie,

    That is a really cute swimsuit! It looks good on you with your pretty strawberry blonde hair.

    Going to the beach is a great way to stay cool, and it makes for some great photo-ops, too. :)


  3. I like you're bathing suit. =)

  4. Cute batheing suit im trying to keep cool too
